504. Youth Packing Division

  1. General rules shall apply to Youth packing classes with the following exceptions:
    1. Youth packer must have an adult swamper.
    2. Youth may only compete in the Youth Division for points. Exception: If no Youth classes is offered a Youth may compete in the Non-Pro hitches, if they meet the criteria of a Non-Pro. If they do not meet Non-Pro criteria, they may compete in the Open Hitches. Points will be awarded to the Youth Division. Youth may not compete in the Non-Pro or Open pack contest or scramble.
    3. Youth Packing Class and Youth Pack Trail will be at the walk only.
    4. Youth shall be eligible for the Youth Packing division until he/she reaches 18 years of age.
    5. Previous awards and titles, or experience at Pack Station will not effect eligibility for Youth classes.
    6. The judge’s decision will be final as to when youth entry shall be removed from the ring. Penalty DQ.
    7. The maximum weight for any single item in Youth Packing is 20 lbs.
    8. Youth cannot compete in Pack Trail outside an arena or outside a safe, enclosed area.