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285. Calf Roping

1 min read

May only enter once.

  1. Contestant must rope calf, dismount, go down rope and throw calf by hand and cross and tie any three feet.
    1. Rope must be tied hard and fast.
    2. The tie must hold, and the calf’s three legs must remain crossed until passed by the judge.
    3. Roper must not touch the calf after giving the finish signal until after the judge has completed his examination.
    4. If tie comes loose or calf gets to his feet before the tie has been ruled a fair one, the roper will receive a “no time”.
    5. There will be a two-minute time limit.
  2. TWO LOOPS will be permitted; catch as catch can.
    1. Roping the calf without releasing the loop from the hand is not permitted.
    2. If the roper intends to use two loops, they must carry two ropes and must use a second rope for the second loop.
  3. The field flag judge will pass on the tie of calves through use of a stop watch, timing six (6) seconds from the time the rope mule takes his first step forward, after the roper has remounted.
  4. Ten-second penalty for breaking the barrier.
  5. There shall be two or more timers, a field flag judge, and a barrier judge.
    1. Time will be taken between two flags.
    2. Arena conditions will determine the length of score.
    3. The length of the score is to be determined by the arena director and AMA representative.
  6. Neck ropes must be tied with string. No metal snaps or hardware shall be used on neck ropes in the timed event.