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15. Application and Approval of Show

3 min read

  1. Sponsors desiring to hold an AMA show shall submit an approval form to the Performance Chairman at least two(2) months prior to tentative show dates.
  2. The show must appear in at least one issue of the newsletter, which is published bi-monthly, or be posted on the website in order for points to count for championship standings. The show cannot just be listed in the newsletter the same month as the show is being held.
  3. With respect to established recognized shows, in subsequent years, comparable dates will be protected, provided the applications for January, February, and March show dates in the following year are received by the Performance Chairman by September 15, and applications for April through December show dates in the following year are received by the Performance Chairman by October 15.
  4. In applying for the above dates, the show agrees to abide by the rules of the AMA, and failure to do so constitutes a violation of the rules, which may subject the show to a fine of $50.00 and bar future approval.
  5. When an application for a show is submitted, a filing fee of $35.00 shall accompany the application. If submitted without this fee, the application will be returned.
  6. In the event that a recognized show finds it necessary to cancel an approved date, a refund of the filing fee shall be granted except for 25%, provided that notice of release of date is received in writing sixty(60) days or more in advance. If less than 60 days notice given, no refund is allowed.
  7. Approval is made by the Performance Chairman.
    1. The show should be approved completely prior to sending out entry forms to help prevent confusion due to errors.
  8. Upon approval of a show or race meet, said show or race meet shall be held under the rules and regulations of the American Mule Association, except for Pari-mutuel racing, which shall be held under that state’s Racing Board or Committee rules.
  9. Approval of a show or race meet does not establish said American Mule Association as the insurer or grantor of the safety or physical condition of the sponsor’s facilities, stakes of any classes or races, or reasonableness of judges’ or stewards’ decision.
  10. Sponsors and contestants agree to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the American Mule Association from any liability, if any, arising from unsafe conditions of show or track facilities or grandstand, default in payment of purses, or publications or dissemination by the American Mule Association of information concerning any disciplinary rulings of the sponsors, judges or stewards.
  11. Any sponsoring committee with ground rules contradictory to or in addition to the American Mule Association rules must submit such rules to the AMA for approval and publish them with entry forms.
  12. The Show Secretary must submit the year-end award payment and all results of each event to the Performance Chairman within fifteen(15) days after the show, listing the number of contestants in each class, placing, AMA member’s number, mule’s number, and all riders/contestants entered.
  13. Insurance – It is recommended that all Sponsors carry liability insurance for their own protection.
  14. It is recommended that all shows provide a scribe or show steward to assist the Judge for the entire show.