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369. Hitch Driving Competition

< 1 min read

  1. Open to teams of four (4), six (6), or eight (8) mules only. Teams of four (4) or six (6) donkeys will be judged separately but may be in the arena at the same time.
  2. Class to be divided as follows:
    1. Teams of four and six (may be divided into teams of four and teams of six if entries warrant)
  3. Wagons are required to be fifth-wheel wagons for all hitches in this class.
  4. Attire: See general driving rules section 328.
  5. Each entry shall drive a specific course, the order of go determined by draw. The course shall be at the discretion of the judge. However, at least two changes of direction and two different gaits shall be required. All hitches will be required to fan in both directions and back.
  6. Any hitch unable to finish the course will be eliminated.
  7. All courses to be posted by show management at least 1 hour prior to the classes.
  8. To be judged on responsiveness and smoothness of hitches in completing the course. Match of team need not be taken into account.