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510. Pack Scramble

< 1 min read

Open, Non-Pro

  1. Shows may be offered as an individual or team event.
    1. Jacks and stallions are not allowed. Penalty DQ.
    2. Show must state on entry if individual event, or how many packers on team and number of animals to be used.
  2. Packers may only enter once in each class.
  3. The following rules are to be used:
    1. No tying of any kind, except stringing up.
    2. No catching aids such as grain, carrots, feed bags, etc.
    3. No gimmicks or artificial aids such as tackaberry buckles.
    4. All equipment used must meet AMA standards.
    5. Hitches are to be judged under AMA packing rules.
    6. A 30 second penalty assessed for each infraction.
    7. Sleeping bags may be used as bed rolls.
    8. Western attire to be worn.
  4. If goods are to be packed, load must be trail worthy and balanced.