Mule to walk to and through the gate then proceed on the course as indicated by the pattern. Not following exact pattern causes elimination.
- It is important that the mule correctly change leads at the lope (flying changes). Simple lead changes shall be penalized but are not cause for elimination.
- Judges may require an entry to repeat or reverse any part of a routine.
- Only one hand may be used on reins of bridled mules and must not be changed, except with opening the gate, if it is in such a position to justify a change of hands.
- Hand to be around reins. One finger between reins is permitted with split reins, but not with romal joined reins.
- Green mules may be shown with two hands.
- Free hand shall be clear of mule and saddle.
- Spurs, reins, or romal used forward of the cinch will cause disqualification.
- A contestant shall be penalized for:
- Releasing gate due to mules’ disobedience, unable to complete the gate.
- Using freehand to insult fear in the mule.
- Breaking gait at the lope, including simple lead changes.
- Failure to change a designated lead.
- Hitting the log at either the jog or the lope.
- Opening mouth; anticipating or early lead changes; stumbling, unnecessary talking, petting, spurring, or jerking shall be judged accordingly.