The following is a suggested course only and may be adjusted depending on what obstacles are used. The rider has 5 minutes to complete the course. Course will consist of gate, holding pen, bridge, slicker, jump not to exceed 2 feet in height, stock trailer, side pass pole, sack of cans and cattle.
- Time starts – The time will start when rider crosses the start line. Go to the gate and work, then proceed to catch the pen, unsaddle and unbridle your animal, and go to the fence to show that the animal is loose. Return to animal, saddle and bridle and mount and go to the cattle, pull one out of the herd and move it past the barrel, and return it to the herd. Ride to the trailer, dismount, load the animal and unload. Mount on the opposite side from which you dismounted. Ride over the bridge, go to the side pass, side pass to slicker, put over shoulders to show that animal will tolerate and return it to the fence, side pass back, go to cans and shake the sack and return to barrel, then go over jump. Lope a figure eight, changing leads in the center. Time ends when you cross the finish line.
- Scoring – Each obstacle is scored; deductions taken for faults. Rider with the most points in 5 minutes is the winner. Time will be tie breaker when points are tied.