254. Keyhole

The course shall be laid out with a limed keyhole pattern on the ground. (See Rules 251 and 251C for time line)

  1. The throat of the keyhole shall be perpendicular to and facing the timing line, with the center of the circle 150 feet from the timing poles.
    1. The keyhole shall be in the form of a broken circle 20 feet in diameter, with a throat 4 feet wide inside the white line, and 10 feet long.
  2. Mule shall cross the timing line, enter the circle of the keyhole through the throat, turn around in either direction, entirely within the circle of the keyhole, exit through the throat, and re-cross the timing line.
  3. The mule shall be disqualified for stepping on or out of any line.
  4. It is show management’s responsibility to keep all limed lines visible at all times. The course should be raked and relined where the line has been fouled.
  5. After each run, line must be checked by foul judge. Judge and assistant will stand to the side of the keyhole and no closer than 20 feet. After each foul, line is to be repaired.