267. Youth Gymkhana

Same rules as Gymkhana Division, Rules 251 -258, with the following exceptions:

  1. An adult helper may enter and remain in the arena with the youth rider for safety and verbal support.
  2. They may coach and encourage the youth verbally but may not touch or guide the mule after crossing the starting line, except in case of danger to the youth or animal.
  3. Youth required to wear regulation safety head gear. (Western attire: belt, western boots, long sleeve shirt with sleeves down and fastened. Authentic suspender pants shall be worn with suspenders, Shirts must be tucked in; unless they are designed to be worn out. No bare midriffs are to show. Long pants are required.

268. Youth 10 and Under Walk Jog

For youth aged 10 and under, Western rules apply. Only shown at the walk and jog. Classes to include:

  • Western w/j pleasure
  • Western w/j equitation
  • Western w/j trail
  • Western w/j showmanship