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316. Gambler’s Choice Jumpers

3 min read

  1. To be ridden over a course of obstacles, in no particular order, with each jump assigned a specific point value according to its difficulty, and each rider tries to amass as high a score as possible within the time allowed. Combination obstacles are not allowed. The obstacles must be built so that they can be jumped in both directions.
  2. After passing through the starting line, the rider may ride the course in any order, from any direction. Each obstacle may be jumped twice but not in succession. If jumped a third time, no points will be awarded.
  3. A whistle/ bell will signal the end of the round.
  4. The competitor is credited with the number of points carried by each obstacle that was jumped correctly. No points are awarded for a knocked-down obstacle (the height lowered). No obstacle may be jumped again once it is knocked down. A knocked-down obstacle will not be rebuilt.
  5. All disobediences are penalized by the time lost by the competitor. The competitor must retire after a fall; nevertheless, he is placed according to the points obtained up to the moment of his fall, disregarding the time.
  6. Each competitor has 45 (minimum) to 60 seconds (maximum) at show management’s discretion. 45 seconds is recommended so as not to overwork the mules. Time starts when the mule crosses through the start line and the time stops when the mule crosses back through the finish. The start and finish are the same line and can be crossed in either direction. The competitor who has accumulated the highest number of points will decide the winner. In the event of a tie in points, the fastest time taken between the starting line and the finish line will decide. In the event of equality of points, and if he does not cross the finish line, he is placed last of the competitors with the same number of points.
  7. In this class, the circling rule does not apply. If a mule should refuse or run out at a jump, the rider may elect to circle and re-attempt the jump. If it is jumped correctly, appropriate points will be awarded. If the rider chooses not to attempt it, he may ride to another obstacle without penalty. The jump may be attempted later, and if correctly jumped, the appropriate points will be recorded.
  8. If the signal sounds when the competitor is committed to a jump, the competitor may complete the jump and receive the appropriate points, then proceed through the finish markers for the total time recorded. Whether or not the competitor was committed to the last obstacle at the signal will be left to the discretion of the judge.
  9. Placing(s) are determined on a high-score basis. Time decides ties. If a tie occurs in points and time, the winner will be decided by a jump-off. In the event of equality of points and time for first place, there will be a jump-off according to the same formula with a fixed time of 40 seconds.