Bridled and Green.

  1. Martingales and Tiedowns are allowed. Bridled mules may be shown in any humane bit. Green mules may be shown in a regulation snaffle, mild twisted-wire snaffle or gag snaffle. (See Rule 106) Draw reins prohibited.
    1. Protective boots are allowed.
  2. Course to be made of a minimum of four obstacles and require mule to make at least eight jumping efforts.
    1. One spread fence consisting of two or more elements is mandatory. Spread of fence will not exceed height of fence.
    2. First fence to be no more than minimum height.
      • Green Mules 2′ to 2’6″.
      • Bridled Mules 2’6″ to 3′(but at least 3″ higher than green mules.)
    3. To jump post and rail at least twice, other fences are optional to type such as chicken coop, stone wall, triple bar, brush jump, etc.
    4. Obstacles, other than combinations (see Rule 311.A.4), to be set at 11 1/2 foot increments, a minimum of 46 feet apart. (1)stride should be set at 22′-23′ (2) strides should be set at 34′-35′ depending on height.
    5. Starting line at least 12 feet in front of first jump, and finish line at least 24 feet beyond last jump marked preferably by vertical poles. Markers must be at least 12 feet apart but can be as far as the width or length of the arena and they can be a common set of start/finish poles if warranted
    6. Mules must start by passing through the markers in the proper direction and finish the course by passing through the finish markers in the proper direction with the rider mounted. Passing through the starting markers in the improper direction before starting, does not incur penalty. Once a mule has started on course it may pass through the start/finish markers in either direction without penalty, while on course.
    7. A bell or whistle will signal the course is ready for the mule to begin (jumpers only, no signal is used in hunter classes). Upon receiving the signal the rider has 60 seconds to pass through the markers and begin the course. The mule must not resist for 60 consecutive seconds or take more than 60 seconds to jump the first obstacle after the time of the round has begun or take more than 60 seconds to jump the next obstacle on course.
  3. Jumpers are scored on penalties incurred between the start line and the finish line. To be SCORED MATHEMATICALLY with penalties for knockdowns, disobedience and falls. Touches not to count.
    1. Knockdown of jump or standard by mule or rider: 4 faults
    2. 1st disobedience-refusal, bolting, circling, stopping: 4 faults
      • 2nd cumulative disobedience anywhere on course: 4 faults
    3. ELIMINATION will result from any of the following:
      • 3rd cumulative disobedience anywhere on course.
      • Fall of mule/rider.
      • Jumping obstacle before it is reset.
      • Starting before judge’s signal to proceed.
      • Failure to enter arena within one minute of being called.
      • Failure to begin course within one minute of signal.
      • Jumping obstacle before crossing start line.
      • Going off course.
      • Deliberately addressing an obstacle any time in the ring.
      • Leaving arena before finishing the course.
      • A mule resisting for 60 consecutive seconds
      • Taking more than 60 seconds to jump the first jump after the time on the course has begun.
      • Taking more than 60 seconds to jump the next jump on course.
    4. Broken equipment – In cases of broken equipment the rider may continue on with no penalty or retire.
    5. Loss of shoe – May continue on with no penalty or be eliminated.
    6. Mule must maintain forward movement while on course at any gait (unless due to uncontrollable circumstances such as when an obstacle is being reset) or shall be penalized as disobedience.
    7. A refusal is when a mule loses forward motion(1 step backward) anywhere on the course or in front of an obstacle to be jumped, and whether or not it knocks it down or displaces it is penalized as disobedience.
      1. Stopping at an obstacle without knocking it down and without backing, followed immediately by jumping from a standstill, is not penalized. However, if the halt continues, or if the mule backs even a single step or circles to retake the course, a refusal is incurred.
      2. In combinations, the faults committed at each element are scored separately. In case of refusal or run-out at one element of a combination (and upon the judge’s signal that the obstacle has been reset, if necessary), the competitor MUST re-jump the entire combination.
    8. Runout occurs when the mule evades or passes an obstacle to be jumped.
    9. Any circling or crossing one’s path between two consecutive jumps once on the course.
    10. If an obstacle falls after passing through finish markers, there is no penalty for knockdown.
    11. Use of Audible Signal. An audible signal (bell, horn, whistle, gong, or buzzer) is sounded for the following purposes:
      1. To give the signal to start,
      2. To stop a competitor in the event of an unforeseen incident (which also designates a time-out);
      3. To interrupt the 60-second period in which a rider has to begin the course in the event of an unforeseen incident;
      4. To indicate that an obstacle has to be reset before being retaken after it has been knocked down during a refusal (designating a timeout);
      5. To give the signal for a competitor to continue his round after an interruption.
      6. To indicate by repeated and prolonged ringing that the competitor has been eliminated and
      7. To indicate that the rider should not proceed to the jump-off round in a Table II Sec. 2. (c) class or a Table IV(c) class
    12. During rounds where time is a deciding factor, a re-jump of the entire course may only be considered as an option if there is no automatic or manual time due to very exceptional circumstances. In these cases, a competitor may elect not to re-jump the course and instead be placed after competitors with equal faults. If a re-jump does take place, the original score will be void.
  4. Jump-offs to determine placing(s) of clean rounds shall be timed.
    1. A shortened course of no less than one-half of the original length.
    2. The sequence of jumps in any order but remains in the original direction.
    3. Increase of height and spread of at least half of jumps only in clean round ties for first place or when points are involved.
      1. Height 3″ increase and spread at a maximum of 3 feet wide, not to exceed the height.
      2. In case of ties with faults, fences shall not be raised.
    4. When jump off is required, winner will be decided by fastest time only if faults are equal.
  5. Time is to be taken as the mule’s chest crosses the start line and ends when the chest crosses the finish line.
    1. Time will be stopped if knocked down. The rail must be reset to finish the course, or the jump must be reset after refusal. Time starts when the judge blows the whistle to indicate permission to continue.
    2. To avoid the above rule, jump off should be over each jump on the shortened course one time.