1. A timed course of numbered obstacles to be driven at the trot. The number of obstacles to be proportionate to the dimensions of the driving area and not to exceed 10.
  2. After passing through the Start markers, the driver proceeds through each consecutively numbered obstacle, in order, until time allowed expires (suggested time 90 seconds to 2 minutes), or until an obstacle is dislodged or a disobedience occurs.
  3. If all the obstacles are driven cleanly before the allowed time expires, the driver will begin the course again, starting with obstacle #1, without having to pass through the start markers; however, passing through the start markers more than once is not considered “off course” and is not penalized.
  4. Two points will be scored for each obstacle cleared before the allowed time expires, a disobedience occurs, or an obstacle is dislodged.
  5. When the allowed time expires, a disobedience occurs, or an obstacle is dislodged, a signal will be given, the driver then proceeds through the next consecutively numbered obstacle. The time will be taken when the rear axle clears this obstacle. If that obstacle is cleared, one point is scored. If it is dislodged, no points for that dislodged obstacle are scored, but the time is still taken.
  6. The score of a driver who fails to drive the next consecutively numbered obstacle after the whistle is blown counts up to the point where the signal is given, but the competitor must be placed after those with an equal score and time.
  7. Placings will be determined by the greatest number of points.