Competitors enter the ring individually and drive a short course of defined elements in order at prescribed paces. Super Reinsmanship Tests may be downloaded from the ADS Website.

  1. Specifications.
    1. To be judged on the driver’s skill: use of aids, control of the mule (s), accuracy, quality of transitions and gaits, with additional consideration of impressions of the turnout and driver.
    2. Tests- All the entries will complete a number of prescribed elements from memory and be in order (between 8 and 12 elements are recommended).
    3. Entries must follow the designated track without deviation, keeping red markers on their right and white markers on their left. Numbered or lettered markers, such as posts, single cones, cones set at a minimum of 80 inches (2m), or natural elements, such as trees, shall be used to indicate the sequence and starting point of each element. Unless otherwise specified, elements begin when the mule’s nose reaches the marker.
    4. Management may use one of the Super Reinsmanship Tests 1-3 or may design a suitable test to be used.
    5. Tests must be posted at least 1 hour before the start of the test.
    6. Position and aids–the driver should be seated comfortably on the box so as to be relaxed and effective. Either the one or two-handed method of driving is acceptable. Common to both methods, contact with the mule’s mouth should be maintained with an elastic, supportive hand.
    7. Drivers should not be penalized or rewarded for using one style over another. The use of the whip and the voice are important aids in driving and should be used effectively and discreetly.
  2. Scoring:
    1. The entry receives numerical scores between 0-10 for:
      • Each element–on use of aids, control of the mule (s), accuracy, quality of transitions and gaits. (Maximum total score= 10x number of elements.
      • Overall impression–of the turnout on the condition and fit of the harness and vehicle, neatness of attire. (Maximum total score=10)
      • General Impression–of the driver on posture, relaxation, confidence, and effectiveness. (Maximum total score=10)
    2. Perfect Score= 10 x total number of elements + 10 for General Impression + 10 for Overall Impression.
    3. Ties are decided by the total of Overall Impression and General Impression scores.
    4. The scale of marks:
      • 10= Excellent
      • 9= Very Good
      • 8= Good
      • 7= Fairly Good
      • 6= Satisfactory
      • 5= Marginal
      • 4= Insufficient
      • 3= Fairly Bad
      • 2= Bad
      • 1= Very Bad
      • 0= Not Executed
      • **Not executed means that nothing of the required movement has been performed.
    5. The Judge may state the reason on the score sheet for each mark.
    6. Scoring: half points may be used for scoring all elements.
  3. Penalties:
    1. Off Course
      • Failure of the turnout (all mules and entire vehicle) to pass on the correct side of a marker or dislodging any parts of a marked gate: 5 points subtracted from total score.
      • Significant deviation from the designated track: 5 points subtracted from the total score per occurrence.
      • When an element is driven out of sequence, the judge will signal the entry and indicate the error. Drivers should resume the test from where the error occurred. 10 points subtracted from the total score per occurrence.
    2. Entries will be eliminated for:
      • Outside assistance
      • Failure to carry a whip in hand
      • Failure to start the test within one minute of the signal to proceed or starting before the signal.