1. Dress requirements are the same as Pulling Division.
  2. Log Skidding is open to both mules and donkeys. To be judged separately, not in competition with each other, but may compete on the same course. All attempts should be made to hold event in a closed arena with a closed gate.
  3. Log Skidding is a timed event.
    1. Logs must not be over 12 feet in length.
    2. If two logs are used, they should be fastened at both ends to keep them from separating. They should be light enough for the smallest team in the contest, but heavy enough to create a light drag on the largest team. Approximately 250 to 350 pounds.
    3. Each single or team shall be measured. Measurements from the obstacle classes may be used.
    4. Divisions will be:
      1. Single under 14.2 hands – over 14.2 hands.
      2. Teams under 14.2 hands – teams 14.2 hands but less than 16 hands – Teams over 16 hands.
      3. No course adjustments will be made. These are time divisions only.
  4. The course should be laid out to fit the arena used.
    1. There should be a 14 to 16-foot starting gate marked by pylons(cones) or similar object.
    2. The starting gate will be 15 feet from the first obstacle.
    3. Course shall be 4 to 6 objects, pylons recommended, placed an equal distance apart on a straight line. Each pylon position shall be marked by chalk or a nail and ribbon (recommended.)
    4. The distance between pylons shall be 5 feet farther than the length of the log.
    5. Pylons will be measured from the widest part of the base.
    6. Sides of the skidding lane should be marked 12 feet down both sides of the pylons.
    7. If a line is used at the far end of the course, it shall be 20 feet from the last pylon.
    8. Sidelines should be clearly marked and easily seen by the driver.
  5. Team must start behind the starting gate.
    1. Time to start when either mule’s nose crosses start line until finish of course when either mule’s nose again crosses the line. Must continue through finish, not stop before clear.
    2. Team may start course on either side of the first pylon, and weave in a serpentine pattern to the last pylon, go around the end and weave back down the other side in the same serpentine pattern, and out the start/finish markers.
    3. Driver may drive from either side or move from side to side but may not use any portion of his/her body to deflect the course of the log.
    4. Driver may walk beside logs, ride on the logs, or any combination of such during the course.
  6. Flagger shall flag start and finish, and separate line judge shall determine if any obstacle or lines were disturbed. If back line is used, two line judges shall be used.
    1. If animal(s), driver, equipment, or log disturbs any part of the course, as determined by the judge, there will be a 10-second penalty for each occurrence.
    2. Each time a mule steps on or over side lines or end line, a 10 second penalty will be added, and shall accumulate for each occurrence.
    3. Pylons will be considered trees. Team, driver (including hands), lines and log must go around the same side. This infraction is a disqualification.
    4. If pylons are disturbed, a 10-second penalty will be assessed. The course will continue to be worked as if the pylon is still where it is designated by the marker underneath it. It is the judge’s job to determine the course is ran to the specifications and to the best of their ability determine the correctness of the pattern ran around the marker as if the pylon is still there. i.e, the animal, driver(hands) and lines stay on the correct side.
  7. Driver is allowed one helper, but helper must stay outside of the course and its lines, and may not interfere with the driver or mules, in any way.
    1. Helper may help before start of course and in case of accident.
    2. Interference by helper, in any way during course, shall cause automatic disqualification.
  8. A mule may only be used as a member of ONE team and may not be paired with a different mule to create a new team.
    1. A mule that is a member of a team may enter as a single mule in single events, as this would be a different class.