Timed event.
- May be held as a group event or individually.
- If held as a group event, all entries shall compete in the arena at the same time.
- A group of steers shall be turned loose at far end of arena and stirred up while chariot racers wait at other end for signal.
- At signal, chariots race to cattle, and first one to rope steer and signal flagger will be the winner. All who catch in order will be placed.
- If held as an individual event chariot to wait against end of arena with roping chutes (either side).
- Must wait for steer to be flagged out of the chutes before chariot may start.
- Chariot roper to rope steer and pull slack, then signal flagger.
- Must be a legal catch: head, horns, or half head.
- There will be a 5 minute time limit, two loops maximum.
- All gates will be closed.
- Team may only go once, but roper may go twice only.
- Roper must be at least 18 years or older