The mark for each movement should establish whether the movement is marginal (5 or below) or higher. A reason should be given for marks 6 and below.
Accuracy should only be a factor if inaccuracy avoids the difficulty of the movement, i.e., a larger circle avoids the difficulty of a 10-meter circle.
If a problem appears once, it may be treated lightly; if it appears successively, the judge will score it more harshly each time.
Grinding of teeth and wringing of tail are signs of tenseness on the part of the mule and should be considered in the marks for each movement where they appear.
Levels of dressage are offered as a means of evaluating a mule that is changing and shall be considered in light of the degree of training that should have been achieved to be shown at that level.
In the case of a fall of a mule or rider, the competitor will be eliminated.
If the mule leaves the arena, all four feet between entry and exit the competitor will be eliminated.
A test begins with the entry at A and ends with the final salute. Anything else has no effect on marks.
Mules that enter the arena with tongues tied down will be eliminated.
The judge may stop a test and/or allow a restart from beginning or any appropriate point in the test if, in his/her discretion, some unusual circumstance has occurred to interrupt a test.
Any resistance which prevents the continuation of the test longer than 20 seconds is punished by elimination.
All movements and certain transitions from one to another which have to be marked by the judge(s) are numbered on the judge’s sheets. They are marked 0 to 10, 0 being the lowest and 10 the highest.
The scale of marks is as follows:
10 Excellent
9 Very Good
8 Good
7 Fairly Good
6 Satisfactory
5 Marginal
4 Insufficient
3 Fairly Bad
2 Bad
1 Very Bad
0 Not Executed
“Not Executed” means that practically nothing of the required movement has been performed.