Descriptions of markings.

  1. Markings of the head and face:
    • SNIP: A snip is any marking, usually vertical, between the two nostrils.
    • STAR: A star is any marking on the forehead.
    • STRIP: A narrow marking extending vertically in the area between the forehead and nostril.
    • BLAZE: A broader vertical marking extending the length of the face.
    • STAR AND STRIP: A marking on the forehead with a strip to the nasal peak. The strip does not have to be an extension of the star.
    • STAR, STRIP, and SNIP: A marking on the forehead with a narrow extension of the nasal peak and opening up again between the nostrils. These may be connected.
    • BALD FACE: A bald face is a very broad blaze. It can extend out and around the eyes and it can extend down to the upper lip and around the nostrils.
  2. Markings of the lower legs:
    • CORONET: A coronet is any narrow marking around the coronet above the hoof.
    • HALF PASTERN: A marking that includes only half the pastern above the coronet.
    • PASTERN: A marking that includes the entire pastern.
    • SOCK: A marking which extends around the leg from the coronet halfway up the cannon bone, or halfway to the knee on the foreleg or halfway to the hock on the back leg.
    • STOCKING: A stocking is a full marking to the area of the knee on the foreleg and to the area of the hock on the hind leg. It is an extended sock.