605. Registration Fees and Requirements

  1. Five pictures are required for identification purposes.
    1. Full front view including feet; full left including feet; full right including feet; full rear view including feet. One additional side view to be put on registration certificate.
    2. The donkey’s head and neck should be straight forward and all four feet visible in both side views.
    3. Full front view should show any face markings clearly.
    4. Any brands or scars should be seen.
  2. Registration fees are:
    1. JACKS: $30.00/AMA members and $60.00/non-members.
    2. JENNETS/GELDINGS: $30.00/AMA members and $60.00/non-members.
    3. MULES: $30.00/AMA members and $60.00/non-members.
  3. Other Fees: Lost Certificate: $30.00
  4. Transfer Fee – $10.00/AMA members and $40.00/non-members. Transfer blank and registration papers must be received within 45 days in the AMA office after the date of sale, or lose all accumulated points for that year.
  5. All forms may be obtained from the AMA office or at our website.
  6. Registered name limited to twenty-two(22) characters.
  7. Mules and donkeys that have never been shown, may change name.
    1. Must return original certificate with new name choice and $30.00 fee.