5. Conduct and Cruelty

    1. All participants in an approved competition are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner and in the best interest of AMA. Management shall bar violators from further participation for the remainder of the competition and report the incident to the AMA for further disciplinary action deemed necessary. Excessive drinking and rude or unsportsmanlike behavior shall not be tolerated. No contestant may compete or be in the show arena if intoxicated. Management or the show rep may excuse the contestant.
    2. Acting or permitting another person to act in a manner contrary to AMA rules or in a manner deemed improper, unethical, dishonest, unsportsmanlike, or prejudicial to the best interests of the Association, or making a remark considered offensive or made with the intent to influence or cast aspersions on the character or integrity of the judge or any other person is considered not in the best interest of AMA.
    3. It is the policy of the AMA that gambling in any form, with respect to the performance of a competitor, is strictly prohibited.
    4. No person on show grounds, including but not limited to barns, stalls, parking areas, and show areas, may treat an animal in an inhumane manner, which includes, but is not limited to:
      1. Placing an object in an animal’s mouth so as to cause undue discomfort or distress.
      2. Tying an animal in a manner as to cause undue discomfort or distress.
      3. Use of inhumane training techniques or methods such as striking the animal with a whip, crop, reins, or any objects in front of the shoulder, and excessive striking with said objects behind the girth or on the shoulder.
      4. The rider will be disqualified for striking an animal in front of the shoulder in any riding class and for any excessive striking or spurring.