216. Mandatory Dimensions of Trail Obstacles

  1. Walk-Over’s:
    • Singles
      • 16″ max. height
    • Multiples
      • 10″ max. height
    • Width between 20″ min. width (20″-24″ recommended)
    • No rolling poles are to be used.
  2. Cavaletti
    • Jog Over’s
      • 3′ to 3’6″ apart (between)
    • Lope Over’s
      • 6′ to 7′ apart (a 7′ average mule)
  3. Jumps
    • Mounted or lead over
      • 18″ max. height allowed
      • 4′ min. between standards
    • Combinations
      • 12′ for one stride, 6′ for no stride (Bounce)
    • Box Jump and “L” Jump
      • Poles 12′ min. length
  4. Back through/chute (either direction)
    • On ground
      • 30″ min. width between
    • Elevated
      • 34″ min
    • Barrels
      • 36″ min
  5. Side Passes
    • Single pole
      • Up to 24″ high
    • Parallel poles
      • Never closer than 24″
  6. Serpentines
    • Jog-Around
      • Pylons 10′ min. base to base Guard rails 4′ to either side of pylons
      • If standards are used, dimensions should be looser
  7. Gates(Rope gates may be used)
    • Approximately 60″ high with latch available at that height. Width minimum 6′
  8. Bridges
    • 36″ min. width
  9. All other maneuvers, figure mule’s wheelbase at 5′ front hooves to back