This class is to show the ability of a highly trained Western Mule. Appointments shall follow those of pleasure classes.
Judge shall work the mules adequately but must not overwork the entries. This not a game or a fault and out class, and shall not be judged on an elimination basis. Final judging shall be on the basis of the best overall disciplined rail performance. At all times, the safety of the mules and exhibitors to be the first concern.
Disciplined Rail classes must be restricted to either Western or English equipment. No points will be awarded to mixed-seat classes.
Disciplined Rail mule, utility
The class routine shall be to perform work on the rail and may include, but is not limited to:
A short walk, jog, or slow lope.
A hand gallop (no more than eight (8) mules at a time, twice around the ring).
Flying changes of lead each way of the ring.
Starting into a lope from a halt.
Sliding stop.
Starting and traveling on the counter lope.
Side pass both left and right (once each way).
Turn on forehand and trun on hind quarter (once each way).
For safety reasons, exhibitors will not be required to mount or dismount as part of the class routine, with the exception of equipment checks.
Stand quietly.
Judge may ask for additional safe work.
To be judged on performance, manners, and conformation.