241. Adopted with Permission from NRCHA

  1. Scoring will be on the basis of 60 to 80 points, with 70 denoting the average performance.
  2. Individual scores of each work should be announced immediately.
  3. Time limit shall be two and one-half (2 1/2) minutes.
  4. The judge shall take into consideration the size of the arena, the condition of, and the disposition and degree of difficulty exhibited by cattle worked.
  5. Roping steers shall not be used. Different cattle should be available.
  6. If time and cattle permit, the judge may, at his discretion, award new cattle based on the following:
    1. Cow won’t or can’t run.
    2. Cow that doesn’t respect the mule (or may be blind).
    3. Cow leaves the arena early.
  7. Credits:
    1. Maintaining control of the cow at all times.
    2. Exhibiting superior cow sense and natural ability without excessive reining or spurring.
    3. Degree of difficulty.
    4. Eye appeal.
  8. Penalties:
    1. One Point Penalties: (-1): Loss of working advantage for every length that the mule runs past the cow; using the corner of the end of the arena to turn the cow; slipping the rein.
    2. Two Point Penalty: (-2): Going past the corner before turning the cow.
    3. Three Point Penalties: (-3): Knocking down the cow without having a working advantage; biting or striking the cow; hanging up on the fence; exhausting the cow.
    4. Other Point Penalties: (-1/2 to -3): General bad manners.
    5. Five Penalty Points: (-5): Not getting one turn each way.
    6. Automatic Score of Sixty: Turn tail; two hands on reins in a bridle class; fingers between the reins (bridle class); balking.
    7. Automatic Score of Zero (0): Spurring or hitting the mule in front of the cinch at any time; out of control while working the cow; running over the cow and causing fall of a mule; illegal equipment; bloody mouth; fall of rider; leaving the arena before the pattern is complete.