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243. Ranch Riding

1 min read

Ranch Riding consists of pattern work only which is ridden individually. The Ranch Riding patterns are designed to evaluate the rider’s ability to execute, in concert with their mule, a set of maneuvers with precision and smoothness while exhibiting poise and confidence, and maintaining a balanced, functional and fundamentally correct body position.

  1. The pattern is extremely precise with the rider and mule working in complete unison, executing each maneuver with subtle aids and cues.
  2. The mule’s head and neck should be carried in a relaxed, natural position, with the poll level with or slightly above the withers.
  3. The rider should maintain light contact with the reins.
  4. The mule/rider team will be judged on the different elements of the patterns and for performing the patterns precisely and in the correct order.
  5. The required maneuvers will include the walk, jog, and lope both directions: and the extended jog and lope at least one direction; as well as stops, turn to change directions, and back.
  6. Optional maneuvers include turn on forehand or haunches, side pass, lead change (simple or flying) and jog or lope over poles.
  7. No time limit.
  8. One of the suggested 4 patterns may be used, however a judge may utilize a different pattern as long as all required maneuvers are included plus 2 or more optional maneuvers are included.