283. Ranch Steer Stopping

This is a timed event. Mule may only enter once. Must have a legal head catch (both horns, one horn and head, or around neck).

  1. A chalk line is drawn 1/3 to 1/2 way down the arena from the release chute. Line is at the discretion of the show management. In place of a chalk line, two cones or barrels may be used.
  2. Roper must be at a standing start on the opposite side of the chalk line (cones or barrels) from the release chute and within two (2) feet of the line. A running start is disqualification.
  3. Flagger must be mounted for the entire class.
  4. Flagger will drop flag to start timing clock when the roper crosses the chalk line. The steer will be released from the chute when the roper crosses the line and flagger drops the flag. Flagger should be at the chalk line with an unobstructed view of the line and roper for the start. Timer must have an unobstructed view of the flagger.
  5. Roper can rope the steer at any point, but it must be a legal head catch.
  6. Maximum of two (2) loops. Dally, or hard and fast, optional.
  7. After the steer is roped, he must be turned to face the roper, and then the flagger will drop the flag to stop the clock.
  8. The roper has sixty (60) seconds to complete the task or is disqualified.
  9. Any infraction of the rules is a disqualification: an illegal head catch, a running start, over on time.