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288. Cattle Penning – Three Man

1 min read

Team to cut three assigned cattle from the herd when the herd is available. See Rule 295, Cattle Penning – Two Man Team, to be used when a herd is not available.

  1. Each team shall have a 2 1/2 minute time limit to pen three head of cattle assigned to them. The team of three must cut out from the herd and pen three head of cattle with their assigned (identical) number (or color).
    1. Numbers must be at least six (6) inches tall and colored neckbands at least six (6) inches wide.
    2. Numbers must be applied to both sides of the cow, high up on side.
    3. Working orders and numbers (or colors) shall be drawn for by the judge and show management before the start of the contest.
  2. A warning signal will be given to the team 30 seconds prior to the final time being called.
  3. Fastest time to pen three head wins.
    1. The team may choose to call time with only one or two assigned cattle penned.
    2. Teams penning three head shall place higher than teams penning only two head, and two higher than one, regardless of time.
    3. Mules may enter twice, but one mule of the team must change. Points will count on “best go.”