All cattle will be bunched on the cattle side of the starting line before time begins.
- The flagman will raise the flag to signal the arena is ready.
- Team will be given their assigned number (or color) to pen when the flagman drops his flag as the nose of the first mule crosses the starting line.
- Riders are committed once they enter the arena.
- Any delay will be disqualification.
- To call for time, one rider must stand in the gate and raise one hand for the flag.
- The flag will drop when the nose of the first mule enters the gate and the rider calls for time.
- All un-designated cattle must be completely on the cattle side of the starting line.
- If team calls time with only one or two of their cattle penned, the remainder of their un-penned designated cattle do not need to be across the line.
- A team calling for time with any unassigned cattle in the pen or on the pen side of line will be judged a no time. (Also see Rule 290.D.)