296. Cattle Penning – Two Man On 3 Head

If no herd is available, the following class will be used.

  1. The same basic rules of Cattle Penning-Rules 287-294 shall be used with the following exceptions:
  2. A team shall consist of two riders.
    1. Mules may enter twice, but not with the same mule.
  3. When a team is called, the team shall enter the arena.
    1. A team must stay behind the start/foul line until the flagger signals time has started.
    2. A team must call for their cattle within 30 seconds.
  4. Three head of cattle shall be released from the chute or pen into arena.
    1. Flagger will signal that time has started as soon as the tail of the last steer enters the arena.
  5. Time will end when at least one member of the team calls for time, as mentioned in (Rule 288 B).