1. Dress of the driver and passengers should conform with the type of vehicle and harness used. Drivers must wear a long sleeved shirt/blouse with sleeves rolled down and buttoned or snapped. Any attempts to introduce period costumes or gaudy trappings is discouraged. Ball caps and shorts are prohibited. Bare shoulders for women are prohibited. Wet weather clothing may be worn as needed and aprons are not required in wet weather.
    1. Dress of the driver should conform to the standards as described with each class; always neat and clean. Driver must wear gloves.
    2. Gentlemen to wear long pants, long sleeved shirts with sleeves rolled down and buttoned or snapped, vest , coat, or jacket, with a tie or neck scarf. When accepting awards, gentlemen are requested to remove their hats.
    3. Ladies are to wear a conservative dress, tailored suit, or slacks. Floppy hats are discouraged.
  2. The driver shall wear gloves and a hat appropriate to the class. Single driver must carry whip in hand. Lap robe, apron, or knee rug is required for Pleasure Driving classes, unless specified in the individual class. Gloves, lap robe, apron or knee rugs are required in all hitch classes unless otherwise specified in the individual class.
  3. Western attire will be allowed for both men and women as long as it meets the above requirements.
  4. Failure to display the correct entry number will be a disqualification.