422. Weights to be Pulled, Distance to Pull and Calculations of Weight Percentages
2 min read
Pulling lane shall be marked by two parallel lines twelve(12) feet apart.
Qualifying pulls will be a straight distance of ten(10) feet for all classes.
Final pulls must be a minimum distance of two(2) feet.
“Pull Weight” or “Load” is defined as the total weight of the stone boat and any legal weights which have been added. Teamster weight will NOT be added to compute the pull weight or load.
“Pull Weight” will be calculated as a percentage of the weight of the team.
Beginning Pull Weights and Added Weight for Pulling.
Teamster must add the minimum weight noted until only two teams are left in the competition for over-all champion.
When only two teams remain, the weight to be added will be at teamster’s decision.
Any teamster may add more than the minimum weight at any time.
Following is a list, by class, of approximate beginning weights (including sled weight) and added weights for subsequent pulls:
Combined Small Mules / Begin at 1,000 lbs., add 100 lbs.
Combined Heavy Mules / Begin at 1,200 lbs., add 150 lbs.
Mini Mule Teams / Begin at 800 lbs., add 50 lbs.
Small Mule Teams / Begin at 1,000 lbs., add 100 lbs.
Small Mule Teams / Begin at 1,000 lbs., add 100 lbs.
Heavy Mule Teams / Begin at 1,400 lbs., add 200 lbs.
Small Single Mules / Begin at 500 lbs., add 75 lbs.
Large Single Mules / Begin at 1,000 lbs., add 100 lbs.
The team (or single) that pulls the greatest percentage of team weight will be designated the winner if the pull equals or exceeds the minimum legal pull distance.
If one team is able to pull its designated weight the distance of 10 feet and another team is unable to pull its designated weight the distance of two(2) feet, the team pulling the legal distance of 10 feet will be designated the winner.
If neither team is able to pull the legal 10 foot distance, the team pulling the greatest percentage of weight the legal minimum distance of two feet will be designated the winner.
Distance between two feet and ten feet will not be a factor in determination of winners unless both teams pull identical percentages of weight, in which case, the distance pulled will determine the winner.
Winners will be chosen in each weight class, and at option of show management, an overall winner may be chosen from among the various classes.