Each packer will furnish one pack mule and a standard lash rope.
A top load that extends above the top of the forks is required at the start and finish of the hitch. Penalty DQ
Time will start at the judge’s signal to “go” and end when the packer signals he is “finished” by throwing his hands in the air.
Before starting, the lash rope will be coiled on the ground in coils of three feet or less.
The packer cannot touch his lash rope from the time he signals he is ready, until the judge’s signal to “go”. No part of packer or attire may touch lash rope after “Ready” and before “Start”. Penalty DQ.
At this time, he will tie a diamond hitch.
The hitch can be thrown so that it can be tied off either in front or behind the diamond.
The hitch cannot be tied from one side. Penalty DQ
The packer MUST go to the right side and put the lash rope under the right side load before he puts it under the left side load. Penalty DQ
The judge will inspect for the following as well as in Rule 502.
Diamond hitch and equipment.
The extra rope cannot hang below the bottom of the side loads when the hitch is completed.
The lash rope must pass under lower ends and over top ends of the side load.
The ropes attached to the lash cinch must pass over the side of the side loads.
A line drawn over the top of the top load between the center of the front and rear forks must pass through the diamond regardless of its shape.
Any part of the diamond cannot be below the top edge of the side load.