551. General Rules

All drivers, chariot ropers, and chuck wagon “cooks” must be at least 18 years old.

  1. Protective headgear is mandatory on all participants, including chariot ropers and “cooks.”
    1. Loss of headgear, clothing or any other material causing interference or distraction to other teams will be reason for disqualification for that particular race.
  2. Stewards for Team Racing will be selected prior to racing at each meet.
    1. The use of drugs, mechanical devices, or such objects is not allowed, resulting in disqualification if found and other appropriate measures.(See General Rule 4.A,B,C.)
    2. During the course of a chariot race if a team moves out of the lane in which it starts in such a manner that it interferes with or impedes another team, the offending team shall be disqualified when, in the opinion of the stewards, the outcome of the contest was affected.
      1. Any such teams disqualified shall be placed behind the team or teams it fouled and shall be given the time of the team it was placed behind plus .01 seconds.
  3. Team races are timed events and placing(s) determined on the basis of the time elapsed for each team in the contest.
    1. The time for any given team will be the time electrically recorded for that team or the average of the hand timers in the event the electric timer is not used or fails to operate.
    2. The winning team in each contest shall be the team with the least elapsed time between the time when the starting flag is dropped at the start of the race and the time when the nose of the leading mule on such team crosses the finish line.
    3. The remaining places in a contest shall be determined in like manner provided; however, that in the event of photo electric strip camera is not used, then in that event only the times for the winning teams in each race shall be considered.
  4. Starting Positions – All races will be from a standing or walking start and all positions and heats will be drawn for prior to the races by the drivers or owners. Drivers to draw if starting gate is used.
  5. Each individual mule must be registered in order to compete for year-end awards.
    1. Points will go to the team. If team changes, points will begin accumulating for new team from time of change.
    2. Driver and owner(s) of mules must be current members, also, to accumulate points for year end awards.