Table of Contents
- Open to any person (s) deemed an Amateur or Youth. Classes may be split if shoe management so deems and division may split if funds and the number of exhibitors so warrant. Exhibitor can ride a mule or donkey (no Jacks allowed) Competitors may compete in both regular amateur or youth and the non-pro division, but they must be done on a different animal.
- Classes include:
- English Pleasure (See class criteria under English Performance, Rule 302).
- Western Pleasure (See class criteria under Western Performance, Rule 211).
- Western Trail (See class criteria under Western Trail, Rule 215).
- Ranch Pleasure (See class criteria under Ranch Pleasure, Rule 242).
- Ranch Riding ( See class criteria under Ranch Riding, Rule 243).
Walk Jog Ranch Riding Patterns #
These walk jog patterns can be used for Non-Pro Walk/Jog and the Amateur Donkey Walk/Jog. Show management can pick from these 4 and print copies for exhibitors.