570. Classes/Levels of Competition

  1. Training Level – Confirms that the mule has received proper dressage training, as a result of which its muscles are supple and loose, and it moves freely forward in a clear and steady rhythm, accepting the bit.
  2. First Level – Confirms that the mule, having demonstrated that it has achieved the standard of Training Level (see above), has developed thrust (pushing power) to achieve improved balance and thoroughness and to maintain a more consistent contact with the bit.
  3. Second Level – Having demonstrated that it has achieved the thrust required in the First Level, mule now accepts more weight on the hindquarters (collection); moves with an uphill tendency, especially in the medium gaits; and is reliably on the bit. A greater degree of straightness, bending, suppleness, thoroughness, balance, and self-carriage is required than at First Level.
  4. Third Level – Having achieved the requirements of Training, First and Second Levels, demonstrates in each movement, especially in the medium and extended paces and in transitions to and from collected movements, rhythm, suppleness, acceptance of the bit, impulsion, straightness and collection. There must be a clear distinction between paces.
  5. Fourth Level – These tests are of medium difficulty designed to confirm that the mule has acquired a high degree of suppleness, impulsion, balance and lightness while always remaining reliably on the bit, and that its movements are straight, energetic and cadenced with the transitions precise and smooth.