Article V Committees

Section 1. Committees – Committees may be appointed from time to time by the president subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. The president shall annually appoint such standing, special, or subcommittees as may be required by the Bylaws or as he may find necessary. Committees shall be composed of three(3) members and one(1) chairman unless it is deemed more desirable to increase or decrease the size of the committee or unless these Bylaws otherwise determine the number of members of a committee. The president shall appoint a vice chairman from each committee membership to act in the absence of the committee chairman. Committees shall be appointed from the membership unless otherwise specifically stated. Committees are responsible to the Board of Directors and each committee chairman shall make a report, in writing if so requested by the president or board, of each of the committee meetings at the first succeeding Board of Directors meeting.

Section 2. The Executive Board – There shall be an Executive Committee consisting of the chairman of the board, the president, the vice -president and the treasurer of the association. Such Executive Committee shall be vested with all the powers of the Board of Directors when the Board of Directors is not in session.